A cat a day can keep the stress away?

Cat has been a very domestic and favorable pet for most people in this world as it has several types of unique breeds such as British Shorthair , Siamese cat , Persian cat , Bengal cat and many more. The mentioned breeds is the most famous and can commonly be found as a pet in this Asian country during this modern days. Back in the olden days, people only pet the domestic cat since there are not many breeds of cat like what we have now or in other language some people call it "village cat" which commonly have a short fur and small body size. As the world is revolving, people have been breeding these cats to become a more beautiful and unique species. Now we can get a cat with fur pattern like a leopard or even the tiger but of course the price is super duper expensive and you will need to have a permit to own it. However, how can we relate cat with the title mentioned above? Can a cat keep the stress away? Yes it can. But how? First of all, a cat can al...